Gap Year       House



Alza Fund is:

  1. A gap year scholarship fund for young people to find their purpose through a year of unconventional exploration.
  2. A love letter to my 16-year-old self.
  3. A gap year scholarship for purpose-seekers.
  4. A resource for choosing alternative paths.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

― Howard Thurman


Are you a high school graduate taking a gap year? Do you need financial support? Are you willing to become an active Alza alumni and stay in touch after your successes? If the answer to all of the above is yes, you’re eligible.

Apply here by 7 July 2024.

Applications are now closed.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” 

― Margaret Mead, 1978 Recipient of the Planetary Citizen of the Year Award

What We Believe

We have a shot at shaping our future if young people feel supported and heard.
We believe everyone has the right to live a life of meaning, purpose, and love.

We move with love, and share our light.

We are explorers, voyagers, rising.

Gap years can be launch years, years of purpose, years of impact, years of rest, years of recentering. There is no one-size-fits-all.

Every young person (and probably old person) should take a gap year.

Find something you love, and follow it. Be curious, find more, discover yourself and go with what lights your soul on fire.

“It is now your small opportunity to make the world a better place, as you see fit."

― Dave Matthews


What does the Alza Fund include?

We’re not just giving you the funds and letting you jump. We’re leaping right there with you. Fellowship recipients get $1,000 USD (potentially more), a personalized 1:1 gap year plan, access to pre-departure help and support, the key to a community of Alza Fellows also on this journey with you, a re-entry roadmap before your gap year is finished, and post-gap year anchor calls 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years after your gap year. We’re not kidding, we’re already planning these. Alza is here for a lifetime of impact.

Do I have to travel internationally on my gap year?

Absolutely not. While we wholeheartedly believe in the growth and exploration that comes from international travel, it is not essential to having a meaningful gap year. What is essential is that your gap year expands your horizons, and contributes to your growth as a global citizen, which can happen from wherever you are, and wherever you go.

Can I apply if I am not a U.S. citizen?


Can I join an organized gap year program as an Alza Fellow?

Yes, definitely! We know that for some students, taking an unstructured year may not be the right choice, so we absolutely support our fellows who want to participate in a gap year program. We’re also happy to help guide you to some programs we think are really great.

Who’s writing all of this? Are there humans at Alza?

Hey, hi, hello, hola—Amanda here, Chief Human and Founder at the Alza Fund. Right now, the “we” is actually a “me” at Alza, but we hope to hire a team of really cool people as we grow. You can write to me at I love a good virtual coffee chat.

What are you reading right now? 

A Map To Your Soul, Jennifer Freed
Finding Your Element, Ken Robinson
How to Navigate Life, Belle Liang & Timothy Klein
The End of Average, Todd Rose
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20, Tina Seelig

Any other questions? We’re here for you at
Get the news  —

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X
Famous people who took a gap year —

Malia Obama
Astronaut Chris Hadfield
Emma Watson
Gwyneth Paltrow
Steve Jobs
John Lennon

Donate [coming soon]

© 2024 Alza Fund, Inc.

Alza Fund, Inc. is a registered 501c3.

“To change the world, start with one step.”
Dave Matthews